Make a reaction video! We'd love to see what you think! Following the dramatic events of their previous chapter, the contestants of Inanimate Insanity have been left in a cycle of despair. Woe is them, right? Wrong! Lightbulb, the optimist she is, is prepared to ignore every frown and differing perspective to liven up the party! And there’s no better place to start than in Test Tube’s lab, where everything can and will go wrong! If she can surround herself in the chaos she loves, will she ever need to change- or will a trip back to the drawing board finally get to her? Also, there is still a crab. Series directed by Adam Katz, Taylor Grodin, Brian Koch, and Justin Chapman.

This is the remastered version of "Kick the Bucket." The video is a 31 minute story that combines both Part 1 and Part 2.
After MePad catches a contestant breaking the rules, tensions begin to overflow. Some are able to plug up the holes in their relationships and are all the better for it! However, others manage to sink further. When they empty themselves of their conflicting emotions, new feelings are filled right in their place, and not all of them are positive! Just as water goes through an infinite cycle, there appears to be no end in sight for some of these perpetually damaged connections. That is, unless someone were to finally break the chain. Also, there is a crab. Series directed by Adam Katz, Taylor Grodin, Brian Koch, and Justin Chapman.